Can America ever be weaned off its love affair with guns?

The Text “Can America ever be weaned off its love affair with guns”, tells about America and the problem with the possession of guns in the United states. In the USA you are allowed to wear a handgun by yourself.
In recent years there were posted a large number of murderers, and death´s. The number of murders in the USA is about 17000 a year, of which about 15000 are commited with firearms. In contrast to Australia its a very large number of murders.
The Text reveals that the number of suicid dead´s are very high too. Every eight hour there is a death by suicide.
But when you have a clean criminal record its realtive easy to buy a gun. When you don´t have a clean criminal record its nevertheless easy to get one. When you want to get one, you get one!
The law of the guns, that you can wear a handgun, is not same in every state in the US. For Example, Pennsylvania has one of the worst gun-control regimes in The USA. In contrast to other states, the USA is the State with the most murders by firearms.