Archive for February, 2012

The Pilgrim Fathers

The first english settlers in Newengand were named as the pilgrimfathers. In year 1620 they sailed with the mainflower, an old sailing ship, over the atlantik, to Massachusetts. There they founded a new colonie, the Plymouth. The first permanent European settlement in New England.

Although the Pilgrims were not the first english settlers in the territory of the united states, they play, as pioneers of the amerikan folklore, a big roll!

The Pilgrimfathers were separatists. So they were belong to a special radical type in the english puritanism. This sort of the group did’nt belonged to the englisch church, and demanded a apsolut municipal autonomy.


The American Dream

A real definition for the American dream, does not exist. Every American citizen has a different opinion of the American Dream.

For some people it´s the dream of freedom and equality, for some others it is the dream of a fulfilled life or even the dream of fame and wealth.

In general the American dream can defined as the opportunity of freedom for the US citizen. You can get rich and famous if you work hard enough for it!